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- Peer-to-Peer Car Rental Can Be Risky
- New Automobile Sharing/Renting Programs a Gamble, Says Asset Protection Specialist
- Protect Your Farm And Self From The Lawsuit Epidemic
- Protect Your Money with Financial Self Defense
- 9 Ways to Protect Yourself
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- 2025
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- 2023
- 2022
- 2021
- December
- November
- October
- September
- August
- July
- The Benefits of International Asset Protection
- How Can You Receive a Fixed Income, Acquire Tax Advantages, and Donate to Charity?
- How can Asset Protection Help You With Other Financial Objectives?
- Who Needs Incapacity Planning and What Is It?
- How Does The Limited Partnership Protect Personal Liquid Assets?
- May
- April
- 3 Strategies for Small Business Owners to Protect Their Personal and Business Assets
- Coronavirus - Why now is the time to complete your Estate Planning
- Coronavirus - Are You and Your Assets Safe?
- Are Your Assets Safe if Another Recession Hits?
- Should your Asset Protection Plan have multiple firewalls?
- February
- January
- 2019
- December
- November
- Disinheriting a Family Member in Your Estate Plan
- What Are the Ethics of Using Asset Protection to Prevent Creditors from Getting Paid?
- How Safe is International Asset Protection?
- Using Debt-Shields to Reduce the Exposed Equity of Protectively-Titled Property
- Does a Revocable Living Trust offer Lawsuit Protection?
- September
- August
- July
- June
- May
- What does it mean to 'die intestate'?
- Five ways to lower huge legal fees when divorcing
- How can a cohabitating couple avoid legal claims and property disputes?
- How can I protect my assets from a spouse who may dissipate or conceal marital assets before the divorce?
- How do divorce courts divide assets?
- Estate Planning Considerations for Couples: Religious vs. Civil Marriages
- If the family assets are titled to a spouse who is likely to incur liability, are these assets lost to that spouse in divorce?
- Can assets be divorce-proofed by transferring them internationally?
- Are post-nuptial agreements for spouses helpful?
- What do I do if I can't find my Original Revocable Living Trust Agreement but I still have the Copy?
- Can a limited partnership or LLC effectively 'divorce-proof' my assets?
- What is the best option to shield wealth if an intended spouse won't sign a pre-marriage agreement
- What are the best ways to financially protect your assets against divorce?
- Why are S Corporations less preferred over C Corporations for Asset Protection purposes?
- How important is asset protection when planning marriage?
- Isn't it true that an insurer may refuse coverage on a particular claim and if so, how often does this happen?
- When can an employee rely upon an employer's liability coverage?
- Doesn't liability insurance actually encourage lawsuits?
- December
- November
- How Asset Protection and Estate Planning Interacts with Real Estate Holdings
- Can a plaintiff ask a defendant about their assets before they win a judgment?
- In your view, what are the most common mistakes clients make when confronted with a lawsuit?
- Is it too late to protect yourself after you are sued?
- Can a plaintiff attack a defendant's property before the plaintiff wins a judgment - or even serves the lawsuit on the defendant
- September
- August
- How Can I Integrate Estate Planning with Business Succession Planning Objectives?
- Aside from lawsuits, what are the most common predatory threats?
- Does Asset Protection largely depend on the nature of the financial threat?
- What protective entity best protects valuable technology patents, trademarks and other intellectual property?
- Are 529 accounts for a child's college tuition safe from creditors?
- June
- Who are the key parties in International Asset Protection?
- Has the new bankruptcy law extended protection for certain types of income?
- What other forms of income aren't sheltered from garnishment and how can they be sheltered?
- What wages can a creditor garnish and how can they be protected?
- How should antiques and other collectibles be titled?
- April
- March
- February
- Can You Explain Advanced Estate Planning Strategies?
- You explained how equity reduction mortgages can shield the family home and investment properties. Can this also work for a busi
- Can someone also protect their business's lease if a business fails?
- What if a business owns a building or other valuable assets? How can these assets be protected if the business fails or is sued?
- Is it equally wise for liability protection to divide one entity into separate entities?
- Is it True that Senior Citizens will receive a Greater Homestead Tax Exemption in 2017?
- How should someone organize their expanding business?
- How can corporate creditors be discouraged from trying to pierce the corporate veil to sue its officers or owners personally?
- For lawsuit protection should I privatize my ownership in the corporation?
- If I create a Revocable Living Trust, Will My Assets Pass Outside of Probate Automatically?
- Many people claim that there are advantages to incorporating in Nevada. Is that true?
- Which entities are the best liability insulators for professionals?
- Why is the limited liability company gaining popularity as a business entity?
- What effect did the holding in Obergefell v. Hodges have on same-sex marriage estate planning opportunities?
- Is there any difference between the S and C corporations for liability protection?
- Which are the most popular entities for small business owners?
- But what about the smaller enterprise - for example, the home-based business; does it also need to incorporate?
- What is the first defensive step to take when you go into business?
- September
- What is the role of limited partnerships in estate planning?
- For Asset Protection, Can an Inheritance Also be Directed to a Protective Entity on Behalf of a Beneficiary?
- A Finalist for QVC's Sprouts Competition, Ashley Martini Stands at the Door to Success
- How can beneficiaries prevent their creditors from seizing their future inheritance?
- How can I best accelerate my lifetime gifting to my children to reduce my taxable estate and also to have less money vulnerable
- Are there other protective options besides the Limited Partnership, International Trust or LLC?
- Are gifts to charity through a charitable remainder trust creditor protected?
- How can I make lifetime gifts to my children to reduce my taxable estate, retain control over the assets, and also gain creditor
- June
- Here's a question that you are probably frequently asked. How can one protect their children from losing their inheritance?
- Alaska and Delaware promote domestic asset protection trusts (DAPTs). Are they more protective than others?
- Which trusts shelter assets from creditors?
- How does one know which trusts fit their circumstances?
- April
- March
- What is a Digital Estate Plan and why is it important?
- What do you see as the greatest danger to retirement accounts?
- Of the various protective strategies that you mentioned for non-ERISA retirement accounts, which do you most generally use?
- You mentioned encumbering or equity-stripping other assets as a protective strategy. Can you also encumber retirement accounts?
- Are 412(i) plans also creditor protected?
- I have several animals in my care, can I plan for the care of my pets when I pass away?
- If my state fully protects IRAs, can I invest more than the allowed annual amount into my IRA to protect the surplus cash?
- Can I use a trust to ensure that my spouse and children receive my retirement account free from creditor claims?
- Are deferred compensation plans creditor proof?
- How do I plan for a disaster where all of my intended beneficiaries pass away?
- How should I proceed to better protect my IRA and Keogh plans?
- Do people with exposed IRAs ever liquidate their exposed IRAs and invest the proceeds in fully homestead protected homes - such
- When is it sensible to liquidate my IRA rather than lose it to a creditor?
- What are the downfalls to waiting until children are fully grown to execute an Estate Plan?
- What property is exempt in bankruptcy?
- If IRAs are not as fully protected in my state as annuities are, should my IRA buy an annuity?
- Would an international LLC better protect my IRA than a domestic LLC?
- For added protection can I title my IRA to a limited liability company?
- October
- September
- What are a few good Business Succession Planning strategies?
- Are international annuities more protected?
- Is life insurance and/or annuities creditor protected?
- If you title your investments to a limited partnership, can you also encumber the investments to add protection?
- If you're sued, can you simply hide your international cash in an international bank account?
- July
- When would someone use an international entity - such as a Nevis LLC - rather than a domestic or U.S. entity?
- When would an international trust be preferable to the international LLC for international protection?
- Are international LLCs more protective than domestic LLCs?
- Which are the best international jurisdictions?
- May
- April
- March
- February
- January
- How can I use the Tenancy by the Entireties Designation in my Estate Planning?
- Can I have an international trust be the limited partner of my limited partnership?
- Is it too late to transfer my investments to a limited partnership once I've been sued?
- Can the limited partnership also protect against divorce?
- How frequently do a limited partner's creditors obtain charging orders?
- November
- October
- Can you tell me about using Life Insurance and Annuities as a Will Substitute?
- How unsafe is it for spouses to own their investments (savings, CDs, stocks, bonds, mutual funds, etc) in their individual names
- How can I reduce my personal exposure from managing the properties in my LLCs?
- What strategies can be used to reduce the equity in investment real estate?
- If I equity-strip or lien my properties; how do I shield the loan proceeds?
- August
- July
- What is the difference between the Healthcare Surrogate and the Guardian?
- Do you ever title investment properties to limited partnerships?
- How can I protect my membership interests in LLCs that own my real estate?
- To what extent do you use Series LLCs in your practice to title separate properties?
- Should we title separate properties to separate LLCs?
- May
- What is a Health Care Surrogate?
- I imagine many of your clients are 'upside-down' on their mortgages. What advice do you have for these clients?
- Are there other ways to lawsuit-proof the family home?
- If I have several judgments against me and want to buy a home, how can I accomplish this without jeopardizing the home?
- What is a Durable Power of Attorney?
- Is my home protected if I title it to my living trust?
- Could I gift my home and retain a life estate?
- I have read that some people title their home to personal residence trusts to save estate taxes and also for protection. How do
- How feasible is it to get a 90-100 percent loan if you have poor credit, low income or the inability to pay the loan?
- What is incapacity planning and what types of incapacity planning arrangements are there?
- What if a home equity line of credit covers only part of the equity? How do you shelter the remaining equity?
- Wouldn't encumbering my home, such as getting a secured line of credit, be a good way to protect it?
- Are there ways to build on the protection of the single-member LLC?
- How does Estate Planning Works with Asset Protection?
- When should someone title their home to a protective entity, such as a limited partnership or limited liability company?
- My state allows spouses to title their homes as tenants-by-the-entirety. How good is this protection?
- Is it a good idea to title the family home my spouse if they have less lawsuit exposure?
- December
- November
- October
- September
- August
- How can we decide between FLPs, LLCs, corporations and the other entities we often hear about?
- How do S corporations and LLCs differ?
- Which are better to use for Asset Protection -- Limited Partnerships or Limited Liability Companies?
- How does a limited liability company differ from a limited partnership?
- Do other entities limit creditors to a charging order?
- June
- It sounds then that while you may recommend a corporation to conduct a business, would you normally use one to protect your pers
- Is an S corporation as protective as a regular C corporation?
- When is a business too small to incorporate?
- You indicate that corporations are another possible firewall. How does a corporation protect assets?
- April
- March
- February
- Thank you for your overview of the planning fundamentals. Now let's discuss some of the specific tools or 'firewalls' that you u
- When is it too late to protect my assets?
- What are the dangers of simply hiding my assets - perhaps in some offshore jurisdiction - and not revealing these assets to my c
- What about titling marital assets to my spouse who has less liability exposure?
- For protection why can't I just title my assets to someone else so they can't be claimed by my creditors?
- It seems that the first step to defensive planning is to get your assets out of your own name. Correct?
- How can one reduce their chances of a fraudulent transfer claim?
- Can a creditor seize my assets or prevent me from transferring my assets before they have a judgment?
- November
- October
- September
- August
- Defense-in-depth sounds sensible, but isn't it also sound to title your assets to separate entities?
- If we are unsure whether a particular firewall will succeed in blocking a creditor, can we add firewalls?
- Can other 'firewalls,' entities or tools also shield assets?
- What specific asset protection tools or 'firewalls' do you use in your planning?
- June
- May
- If I have a good asset protection plan, can I forego liability insurance?
- How does asset protection discourage lawsuits?
- I imagine that a major lawsuit can cause quite a bit of stress. How do most of your clients react to litigation?
- Aside from not losing your assets to lawsuits are there other benefits of asset protection planning?
- March
- February
- January
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