Asset Protection Secrets
Authored by Hillel L. Presser, Esq., MBA
Female Narration by Katie Plank
How This Book Will Help You
Because so many people have exposed, vulnerable wealth, our goal through this interview is to tell you how you can lawsuit-proof yourself and gain lifelong financial security. This security is now enjoyed by so many of our clients, seminar attendees and readers of our other financial self-defense titles and the information from this book can benefit you.
This book can give you and your family lifetime peace of mind. You surely want the confidence that you won’t lose your wealth – regardless of your financial or legal problems. That’s the book's aim. You’ll also see how you can discourage and even stop pending lawsuits. Prevent even one lawsuit and you’ll recover many times the fees you’ll spend to protect yourself. Become lawsuit-proof and you can negotiate settlement from a position of strength because you have less to lose and your opponent less to gain. Asset protection levels the litigation playing field. Get that edge.
Who Needs This Book?
Quite a few folks need the information that this book presents. If you have valuable assets, you need this book. Perhaps you only have a few dollars in the bank, a modest home equity or a small retirement account. You worked hard for what you now own and won’t easily recover from a major financial setback. So you’ll find this book vital whether you have significant or negligible assets. Also, read it whether you are now totally exposed to lawsuits or think you’re already well-protected. We’ll explain how to shelter your assets from scratch, as well as how to improve your present protection. And you’ll find these strategies vital to you whether you have never before been sued, are now defending yourself against a lawsuit, or have been sued and want better future protection. You’ll also find helpful information whether your goal is to protect your own wealth or a clients’. (Yes, financial advisors, accountants and lawyers must help safeguard their clients’ finances.) Whether you’re just starting out, want to shield future wealth, your nest egg, or your children’s inheritance, the techniques we will discuss in these pages can show you how to protect yourself against virtually any financial threat. You’ll also find advanced strategies that can protect your business or professional practice as well.
Chapter 1: Asset Protection Basics
Chapter 2: Designing Your Plan
Chapter 3: Asset Protection Tools
Chapter 4: Protecting the Family Home
Chapter 5: Protecting Non-Residentail Real Estate
Chapter 6: Protecting Your Investments
Chapter 7: Protecting Retirement Accounts
Chapter 8: Protecting Your Estate or Inheritance
Chapter 9: Protecting Your Business or Professional Practice
Chapter 10: Protecting Other Assets
Chapter 11: Protecting Your Assets in Different Situations
Chapter 12: Your Next and Most Important Step

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