Asset Protection Trust Attorneys
The Presser Law Firm, P.A. Is Here to Help You
Is a trust your best Asset Protection option? A trust may shelter you, but most will not. America's wealthiest families have historically relied upon various trusts to protect their wealth. Now, folks from every economic background use trusts for myriad purposes, Asset Protection being among the most important.
If you’re interested in the asset-protection capabilities of a trust, consider reaching out to The Presser Law Firm, P.A. for help. We offer flat fees upfront, so you know what you’ll be paying ahead of time! With the support of our Asset Protection lawyers, you can feel more at ease knowing your wealth has an important level of protection in place.
To arrange a consultation with an Asset Protection trust attorney, reach out to us online or call (561) 953-1050. We can assist any client from anywhere in the United States!
The Basics of a Trust
A trust is a legal document created by the person settling or grantor (the terms are interchangeable), who funds or gives property to the trust. As the trust creator, the grantor sets the terms under which the donated assets shall be managed and distributed.
The grantor names one or more trustees, which can include the grantor themselves. The grantor then designates the beneficiaries who are to benefit from the trust and receive its income and principal. Certain types of trusts allow the grantor to be both the trustee and the beneficiary, and such is commonly the case for living trusts.
Below are the links for more information regarding trusts:
- Lawsuit-Proofing Your Trusts
- Common Trust Pitfalls
- Protecting and Safeguarding Inheritances
- Overview of Different Trusts
- Avoid Trust Shams
- Lawsuit-Proofing Your Estate
- Disclaiming Inheritances
- Six Tips to Build Trust Protection
- Update Your Estate Plan
- Domestic Asset Protection Trusts
To consider a trust for Asset Protection, you must ask:
- Which trusts can shield your assets from your creditors?
- Which trusts can protect assets that you bequeath to your beneficiaries from their creditors?
- How can you improve your trust protection?
- How much Asset Protection can you get from the different trusts?
Our Asset Protection trust attorneys can help you address these questions and more when you reach out to us. At The Presser Law Firm, P.A., we want people to feel more confident in knowing that their wealth is better secured against creditors and lawsuits. A trust created specifically to protect your assets can help you achieve this effect.
Yes, You Can Lose Everything!
You may think that your wealth is safe and that you don't need protection. But don't delude yourself and accept reality — For every 60 minutes you spend making money, spend 60 seconds thinking about how to protect it!

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